Who are we? Just some Friendly faces who gather (unprogrammed Quaker style) at the Orchard School and Community Center each Sunday from 9:30-10:30 AM. What does that look like in a time of Covid? We meet outdoors in Summer/Fall in temperatures over 40 degrees. In Winter/Spring (aka black fly season), we meet in the high-ceiling Great Room; masks required.
What is Quaker Meeting?
Quaker meeting for worship is based on silent waiting, where we expect to come into the presence of God. In this living silence, we listen for the still, small voice that comes from God through the Inward Light. Worshiping together in silence is a way for a community to be brought together in love and faithfulness.
During silent worship, anyone—adult or child—may feel inspired to give vocal ministry (speak out of the silence). After the person speaks the message, the silence resumes. Such messages may be offered several times during a meeting for worship, or the whole period of worship may be silent. Someone will signal the close of worship by shaking hands with another person, then everyone shakes hands with those seated nearby. For more on silent worship, see the QuakerSpeak video Quaker Silence.

“Some journeys are direct, and some are circuitous; some are heroic, and some are fearful and muddled. But every journey, honestly undertaken, stands a chance of taking us toward the place where our deep gladness meets the world's deep need.”
Parker Palmer
Get in touch with Orchard Hill Quakers:
Orchard School Community Center
Attn: Orchard Hill Quakers
114 Old Settlers Rd
Alstead, NH 03602